Terms of Use

Thank you for your interest in downloading/using California Avocado Commission (CAC) Press Asset Kit, recipe, recipe photo, California Avocado photo or Asset Kit on our website (Assets). The Assets are owned either by CAC, or in some cases by a third party that has given CAC permission to sub-license the use of the Assets pursuant to the conditions below.

When using these Assets, we require all parties include credit to the California Avocado Commission by using the following copy: “Recipe and/or photo courtesy of the California Avocado Commission”.

By downloading any Asset, you are receiving only a non-exclusive revocable license to use CAC Assets. All goodwill developed by the use of Assets is to the benefit of the owner (either CAC, or in some cases a third party). Nothing on our website or previous correspondence shall be construed to give the downloader/user any ownership interest in the Assets. CAC is providing only the use thereof.

Downloader/user receiving this non-exclusive revocable license may not provide Assets to third parties – the license is not transferrable. The high-resolution Assets may not be archived on downloader/user’s websites and may not be posted as part of any archive of photos.

Under no condition may the Assets be used to promote or be associated with pornographic, immoral, or gambling related materials, illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any other addictive substance.

The California Avocado Commission reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify this notice at any time, to deny usage of the Assets to individual persons or entities, or to withdraw a license already given, if CAC deems the usage not to be in the best interest of CAC or another Asset owner.

Downloader/user agrees that neither CAC nor any other Asset owner is responsible for or liable for any loss or damage incurred by Downloader/user as a result of the use of any Asset, and use of Assets under this license is expressly conditioned on that agreement. Downloader/user specifically holds CAC and the other Asset owners and their officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents and attorneys harmless from any and all such claims, losses, or damages.

All conditions of this license begin immediately upon any download or use of the Assets.

In order to track who is using our assests, please provide the information below. Once you have entered the information, you will gain immediate access to our hi-resolution images. Please note: We monitor image downloads closely to deter or prevent improper use. We do not sell or share this information with anyone. Please contact us for further assistance.

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