Carleton Family California Avocado Soup
This easy to make chilled soup from California Avocado grower Will Carleton combines only seven ingredients…
Santa Paula (Ventura County)
Gordon Kimball’s family has been farming in California for six generations, but he wasn’t always a California Avocado grower. He grew up on an avocado grove, watching his mother Dorcas Thille, work the land, then became a mechanical engineer. Gordon enjoyed that profession and designed Indianapolis and Formula 1 race cars. Eventually he traded life in the fast lane for a large avocado farm.
Gordon believes that trees have a lot to say, and the key is learning to listen to them. His groves use high density planting, which maximizes land use by planting more trees per acre than is done with traditional planting. The avocado farm also makes use of natural avocado leaf mulch to protect the avocado tree roots and nurture the soil. They are part of an irrigated lands management group and use water conservation methods like drip irrigation. Growing avocados is a family affair for the Kimballs; Gordon’s mother, brothers, sister and daughter Rachael Laenen are all California Avocado growers.
Besides being an avocado grower Gordon volunteers with his local Rotary Club. From the racetrack to the ranch, for Gordon the pursuit of excellence is always top of mind.
Gordon loves to eat California avocados plain and in many avocado recipes, from salads to sushi.