Map of California Avocado Growers


Meet our family of growers who put care and craftsmanship into every California Avocado.

  • Committed to quality, sustainability and good agricultural practices.
  • Many are part of a multigenerational legacy and have been growing for 50 years or more.
  • Learn about their history, their groves and even their favorite ways to enjoy California Avocados.

Featured Grower:
Gene Bianchi

Gene’s Story

Gene Bianchi spent the early part of his career as a math and physics teacher and later worked as educational counselor. He also dabbled in real estate and construction before becoming an avocado grower years ago. His grove is organic and is a certified wildlife habitat. Gene is a natural born problem solver. He is one of three growers in the U.S. participating in a water efficiency experiment utilizing a satellite-based irrigation system. He is proud of the fact that he personally inspects every bin of avocados that leaves his grove.

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