California Avocados and Garlic Confit

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Serves: 8

2 quarter sections California Avocado Confit, warm (recipe follows) 2 Tbsp. warm confit oil 1 tsp. grated pecorino cheese 2 tsp. black sesame seeds, toasted As needed black pepper 1 pinch Maldon salt 4 slices toasted baguette Confit California Avocado(Yield: 16 quartered California Avocados) 4 Fresh California Avocados*, peeled, quartered, seeded 2 oz. sweet onion, finely minced 3 cups Extra virgin olive oil 1 1/2 cups avocado oil 2 oz. black sesame seeds, toasted As needed Maldon salt 1 whole garlic clove, crushed with knife As needed Ground black pepper, freshly ground As needed Grated pecorino 32 toasted baguette slices, ½-inch thick

To build one

  1. For one serving, place two California Avocado Confit quarters on their sides, skin side face-up in a 4 oz. oval ceramic (or other decorative) dish.
  2. Pour the confit oil over the avocado to coat it. Then evenly apply the pecorino cheese and black sesame seeds to the surface to achieve an “avocado skin” look.
  3. Twist of black pepper over the top, and add a small pinch of Maldon salt to finish.
  4. Place two Confit Avocados in a 4 oz. ceramic dish. Garnish with 4 slices of toasted baguette arranged around the Confit California Avocado, and serve immediately.

Confit California Avocado

  1. In a large pot, heat the oil, garlic and onion to 225°F.
  2. Cut the California Avocados-skin on- into quarters. Remove the pit, and peel off the skin.
  3. Put California Avocado quarters in a stainless steel pan at least 2 inches deep.
  4. Pour the hot oil over the avocados to cover (onion and garlic pieces can remain).
  5. Place uncovered into a 225°F oven for 15 minutes. Remove and let sit on a speed rack at ambient temperature for 30-45 minutes.
  6. Confit Avocados should be served slightly warm. Keep Confit Avocados covered in oil until they are plated and served.

*Large avocados are recommended for this recipe. A large avocado averages about 8 ounces. If using smaller or larger size avocados adjust the quantity accordingly.

Did You Know?

It’s actually easy to create an avocado rose. If you are setting out a spread of appetizers, add a beautiful avocado rose to elevate the appeal. Or if you are looking for more casual appetizers try these California Avocado snack recipes.

As with all fruits and vegetables, wash avocados before cutting. Check out our tips for how to choose and use California Avocados


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