Peanut Crusted Red Curry California Avocado Satay

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Serves: 12

2/5 cup Coconut Red Curry (recipe follows) 1 Fresh California Avocado*, sliced into 12 1/4 cup peanuts, finely chopped 2 tsp. coarsely chopped cilantro Coconut Red Curry (Yield 1 1/8 cup) 1 cup coconut milk 5 tsp. red curry paste 2 tsp. fish sauce 1 tsp. sugar 2 tsp. minced cilantro

Coconut Red Curry:

  1. In a small mixing bowl, mix coconut milk, red curry paste, fish sauce, sugar and cilantro. Refrigerate.

Avocado Satay:

  1. Skewer the Fresh California Avocado Slices lengthwise.
  2. Gently coat the Fresh California Avocado slices in the Coconut Red Curry. Place on a very well oiled grill over high heat and grill to get a light char mark on one side.
  3. Press the non-char marked side of the skewered Fresh California Avocado into the crushed peanuts.
  4. Sprinkle with coarsely chopped cilantro.
  5. Serve with additional Coconut Red Curry as a dipping sauce.


*Large avocados are recommended for this recipe. A large avocado averages about 8 ounces. If using smaller or larger size avocados adjust the quantity accordingly.

Did You Know?

It’s actually easy to create an avocado rose. If you are setting out a spread of appetizers, add a beautiful avocado rose to elevate the appeal. Or if you are looking for more casual appetizers try these California Avocado snack recipes.

As with all fruits and vegetables, wash avocados before cutting. Check out our tips for how to choose and use California Avocados


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